Monday, December 4, 2017

Reading Activities - Letter & Important Moment

Important Moment - When Hetty meets her proper father

Letter to the Author of the book

Pick A Path - The Water

Choose which path that you want, and see what ending you end up with.

Superstition - Inquiry

PE Game Idea - Shmaggle Dash

PE game - Shmaggle Dash

How to set up:
You would want to set it up like capture the rugby ball but , put some cones along the middle (About 8), then on each end make a semi circle out of cones. Then you will need to make the boundary area which you will see in the diagram.

1: Be honest if the ball hits you.
2: Don't grab the Dragger really hard, just make sure you stay by the Dragger.
2: The Dragger must stay by the people who are dragging them. Then again, the people who are Dragging the person carefully must be at a pace that the Dragger can stay with.
3: Two  people maximum must get the Dragger, no more or they will all get tagged.
4: The dragger cannot move while being carried , or try to tug away.
5: if you are at least half a meter of the circle.

1: The teams are split into two. Half the class for each side. One team should wear bands to make it easier for who's on who's team. Team A and B.
2: Each team has one “Dragger.” That Dragger must cross the opposite side to the opposite goal, where the Dragger is kept.
3: Once the Dragger is obtained, (Let’s say B captured Dragger A,) team B must take that Dragger to team B’s goal.
4: When team B has team A’s Dragger, team A is allowed to get the balls across the  middle, and hit the people who obtain team A’s Dragger.
5:If the balls misses and team B manages to capture team A’s Dragger, that’s one point for team B. First team to reach Seven points wins.
6: If the ball hits the people dragging the Dragger, the Dragger returns to their spot, and the people who dragged the Dragger must return to their spot.
The diagram:

Always Use A Lead - Narrative

Always Use A Lead - Catherine

The snow shimmered and began to melt in the seven o'clock burning sun. The sun’s beams struck Fleur’s window and landed on her old bed, warming the sheets ever so slightly and earning a quiet hum of approval from the girl herself. Having just a bit of sunlight in the morning was extremely rare because of the cold weather, you’d be lucky to get a bit of sun anywhere from seven am to nine. So Fleur was definitely enjoying herself.. Until now..

‘FLEUR! You better be up right now or I’m coming to shove ice down your pyjamas again!’


Fleur’s eyes darted open with no hesitation after hearing her father's warning. She kicked off the covers and rolled out of bed, her feet creating a loud thump on the wooden floor below. She raced over to her wardrobe and picked out the semi warmest outfit she could find. After chucking on her clothes she ran to the kitchen and found her parents waiting for her at the table.

‘About time.’ Fleur’s dad mumbled while taking a bite of his french toast.

‘Don’t listen to him Fleur. Have some breakfast instead.’ Fleur’s mother insisted as she gave Cameron a death glare.

Fleur shuffled to the chair and plopped herself down. Her breakfast was all ready made and in front of her. It was toast with butter and jam. Simple, but delicious to Fleur. She picked up the piece of toast and crammed it into her mouth.

‘Don’t forget to walk Milo yeah? He’s been running around the house lots lately, and needs some fresh air. To be honest, so do you!’ Fleur’s dad reminded, taking another bite of his french toast.

Fleur finished her toast and groaned in complaint. She slid off the chair and passed her plate to her mother.

‘But wasn’t there a huge.. uhh.. storm the other night? Winds and all wasn’t there?’ Fleur spoke for once, with a mouth full of toast, hoping she could escape walking the dog.

Her mother nodded in agreement and looked over at her father. Her father showed no mercy and shooed her off with a straight face. Fleur groaned once more as she walked over to Milo, the Canadian eskimo dog who was panting, and his tail wagging furiously. Fleur smiled slightly and ruffled his fur, as she walked out the door, Milo following proudly behind.

Fleur’s wooly boots crushed the snow underneath, as Milo followed behind closely. Small snowflakes were falling from the sky, and the trees were covered head to toe in snow from the previous storm a night ago. The forest was quiet apart from the odd birds communicating to one another, and Milo’s panting.
They were walking throughout the forest, when Milo stopped a meter behind. Fleur heard the sudden change and glanced behind to see Milo running to what it seemed to be a frozen lake.

‘Milo? Where are you— come back boy!’ Fleur called.

Milo listened, but ran ahead anyway. Fleur had no choice and ran after him, brushing past the sudden brunches that would stick in her way. Milo ran a meter more before stopping right in his tracks, barking quite loudly. Fleur bumped into Milo with a loud “Oomph!” and she landed on her behind.

‘Milo you little—‘

She paused and looked at the lake ahead. It looked beautiful, the way it was icy blue and the little sun reflecting off it, glistening ever so slightly. A couple birds even decided to perch there for a bit. Fleur slowly stood up, and looked around. She couldn’t see the path she was on before, and the only way to continue was going over the frozen lake itself. Fleur shook her head and grabbed Milo by the collar.

‘Milo it’s not safe, let’s just turn around.’ She whispered while kneeling down to his level.

Milo refused to turn into and suddenly ran  ahead across the lake, chasing after the birds that were sitting there in the center of the lake. Fleur fell forward slightly and watched it happen. She jumped up and shouted to Milo worriedly,

‘Come here right now! Their just birds!’

Instead Milo ran right across to the other side and sat there, patiently waiting for her to slide across. Fleur stood there with a unimpressed look on her face. She looked down at the lake below, and then back at Milo. There was no way to get Milo, expect crossing the lake. She sighed and took a small step onto the ice, her eyes clenched shut. The ice didn’t make a sound, not one bit. She sighed and took another step forward, expect this one was a bit bigger step. Still no sound. She then began to trust herself and the ice, so she carried on across the lake. Once she made it across, she scooped Milo up and turned back around. Except when she went to the center, there was a problem.. A loud crack echoed throughout the forest. Fleur’s heartbeat quickened as she looked down and saw a crack in the ice, and it was expanding by the second. She immediately ran across with Milo in her arms when she felt the ground underneath her collapsed. She gasped as Milo clawed his way out of Fleur’s grasp, and swum to safety.

‘Milo! H—‘ She shouted but ended up underwater, her clothes being soaked right through, and weighing her down.

She tried to get out, but the water and the ice were a problem. She couldn’t open her eyes underwater either so that didn’t help. She pulled herself up, until she felt something grip her jacket hoodie. It was held on tight, but it was pulling her up, out of water. She gasped for air, as the water left her mouth with ease. Her vision was blurry, but focusing slowly. Soon she found herself on the snowy land that she had previously been on. She slowly got up, (continuously coughing) and she turned around. Being greeted by a smiling puppy, looking up at her. It was Milo. Milo had jumped in and swam after Fleur straight away and had pulled her out with his teeth, after hooking on Fleur’s hoodie. Fleur knelt down and gave Milo a big bear hug as the water from Fleur’s clothes, and fur from Milo dropped onto the snow below them both.
‘Fleur? Fleur! What happened?! You were gone for so long! Wewereworriedandwethoughtyouwerelostsowecalledthe—‘ Rambled mum, as Fleur and Milo walked through the front door.

‘Mum. I'm fine. I just got involved in an accident, that’s all.’ Fleur interrupted.

Her mother smiled and gave Fleur a big bear hug, as her dad exposed a smile of thankfulness. Fleur hugged back and looked down at Milo who was sitting behind her mum. Fleur smiled at Milo, and Milo smiled back…

‘Now how did you both get soaking wet..?’


Monday, September 18, 2017

Maths - Probability snail race

Today in maths time, we played a snail race game. It involves a lot of probability. On the board there are 12 snails. Everyone has to choose at least one or two snails. We had to take turns rolling the dice, and whatever number that both dice add up to, we moved the snail foward. We had to continue doing that until three snails past the finish line. There were also points for the places. First got five points, second got three points, and third got one point.

In the first game Ben came first. He got five points and raced with snail number five. Matthew came second with three points and raced with snail number seven. I then came third with one point with snail number eight.

In the second game Matthew came first with five points with snail number seven. Luukas came second with three points with snail number nine. Lulu then came third with one point with snail number six.

Five, seven, eight, nine, and six are the numbers that placed in the races. Five and seven got a placing two times, while nine six and eight placed once.

The snails that are the best snails are any snails between one and twelve. Because you actually have a chance to get that number while you don't have a very good chance of getting one and twelve.
The snails that are the worst snails are one, and twelve. One is bad because your rolling two dice, not one. And the lowest number you can get is two. Twelve is also quite bad because you have to get six and six. You can't get five and six because that is eleven and that's the closest number to twelve. So it has to be six and six both ways.

I think the best one to get is seven because you have three chances of getting seven. One and six, five and two, and three and four.


Believe it or not, my guess was true. Thanks to a table we had created. Seven is actually the best snail to get because you have 6 possible combinations. Not three. One and six, six and one, two and five, five and two, three and four, four and three are all the possible combinations. We have 6 chances out of 36 for getting seven. Unlike eight, you have five chances. Because four and four are doubles and either way their going to be four and four.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Mandarin Lesson - Zodiac & Numbers

In yesterday's lesson in Mandarin, we learnt about the big race, and our Zodiac animals. Most of the people in room 20 are Ji, chickens. A few are dogs as they were born in 2006.

The big race was a completion, and the animals that competed and finished the race would get their own special year. The order of the placings are the order of the years.

Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.

There was a Cat who competed, but they didnt cross the finish line.

Also in last week's lesson, we learned all about numbers. The numbers to ten have their own hand actions aswell to go with the words.