Thursday, August 24, 2017

Yoga - First Lesson

Yesterday we had our first Yoga lesson for our topic, healthy bodies strong minds. We chose yoga as it releases stress and makes you relax easier.

The instructor pretended that we were on a jungle adventure, by saving the animals from an erupting volcano. (Keep in mind that she made this to make it more fun for us.)

We first started by rowing our boats to the jungle from across the water.
Next, we went on our bycicle and traveled through the dense forest to a clearing where we could place our tent.
We placed our tent but got our clothes pretty dirty, so we had to wash and dry them.
After they were clean, we went to bed and rested. (It's called Savasna.)
In the morning we got up and saw a volcano about to errupt, so we decided to save the animals.
Quickly, we went up a tree and gave our jungle call to get all the animals.
First the snakes slithered in and joined us.
Then it was the monkeys that swung in.
After that we found a den, so we crawled in an found lions, so they then joined us.
Then we returned home with all the animals.

After we had finished our adventure, we had more Savasna time. Savasna is like relaxing. Just letting all your body go loose and rest. Did you know that Savasna is the hardest thing to do in yoga?

Funny enough, mostly everyone felt extrememy tired and wanted to sleep all because of Savasna.

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