Tuesday, May 30, 2017

My Passion Project - Art

The whole classroom for our 3 part Inquiry had to write an information report about their passion. If it's hockey, puppies. Anything. I chose to do Art. I love art, and I find it very entertaining. Here is my Passion project report.

My Passion - Art

Art is a very popular skill all over the world. With many techniques and styles. Used to express emotions and creativity. With population expanding, and art being created everywhere.

There are many types of art styles artists use for many things. Cartoon. Cartoon is a commonly used types of style. Cartoon is commonly used for Animations, Comics, Kids Books and so on. Realistic. Realistic is really different from cartoon. Realistic is hard to draw. It's when you draw something very life like. Every feature is precise, proportion is perfect, and it looked like a photo sometimes. Realistic is used for portraits, paintings, and sometimes used for merch stores for adverts or something. Apomorphic and normal animal. Apomorphic is commonly used for “Furry” Artists. They like to draw Animals, that are human like, and/or have human features. Normal animal, is just normal animal. Some artists draw animals that are on all fours too.

There are 2 types of art. Traditional and Digital. Traditional is normally on paper. Not on any devices, or any technology. Created by hand, with basic tools such as Pencils and Rubbers. Digital however, is on technology. Such as computers, tablets, IPads and many more devices. Used normally with a touch screen pen, or a mouse. 

There are many tools used for art. There are common used tools such as, Pencils or Pens, Eraser, Coloured Pencils, Paintbrushes, so on. Pencils can be many shades. Some can be dark, for outlining. Or light, for shading. Pens can be for outlining too. Eraser can be used for rubbing out slight mistakes, or lightly making your masterpiece not so dark. Coloured pencils are for colouring in traditional art. Last of all, paintbrushes are for painting things. Some paintbrushes are thin, for small spaces. Some of them are big, for making backgrounds, or filling huge spaces.

There are very many famous Artists who are well known all over the world. Let me list these talented people. Leonardo Da Vinci. A man who has created the popular, “Mona Lisa.” A famous painting, that has got a lot of questions. The painting is very well known for the smile. No one knows what type of smile it is. If it's a happy smile, a anxious smile, or a nervous smile. That's what makes it so amazing. The Mona Lisa is a portrait, and was painted. Also, Piet Mondrian, for creating the “Mondrian.” The Mondrian is a Painting made out of many squares with multiple colours. Such as Red, Blue, Yellow, White, and Black. Can't forget Vincent Van Gogh, a talented man who created beautiful paintings such as, The Starry Night, Irises, and CafĂ© Terrace at night. 

You might think Artists are all easy, fine and dandy, but sometimes Artists can have struggles like art blocks. An annoying problem in the community. An art block is where an artist had trouble being motivated to draw. No matter how many times Artists try, they can't get past art blocks. They happen regularly and are really annoying. Sometimes Artists may be inspired, but when they get home, they can't draw because they have an art block. Also, thinking of what to draw. Really simple. Sometimes it can be very hard to make a piece of art when you can't think of something to draw. It's easy to lose motivation when you don't know what to draw as well.

Art is free to do, and very fun. Anyone can learn how to draw, and it's free. All you need is a pencil and paper. Who knows? Maybe you could be a famous artist like Leonardo Da Vinci...

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